An upcoming puzzle adventure game for the egocentric though affectionate nature of Love.
The Idea behind the Game
MONOLOVE is an indie game about the tripartite nature of love, centered around the mythological symbol of the Centaur, and revolves around eternal human dilemmas. A journey of search with a reflection: how much of us can we sacrifice for love? Although MONOLOVE primarily belongs to the category of video games, it is actually a multidimensional work of art with philosophical and academic implications. The idea of this game is based on the short animation film script MONOLOVE, which is also in the pre production stage.
The Characters: EGO & ALTERO

- GENDER: Of any gender
- AGE: Young adult
- BODY: Perfect physical condition like the body of someone who lives in the countryside and works with the land. Eating healthy, breathing fresh air, drinking healing herbs.
- MIND: Tries a lot to avoid bad thoughts. After bad thoughts is feeling guilty. Meditates a lot. Not really stable, works in a bipolish way.
- COLORS: Terracotta, symbolizing the earth material and deconstructing any racist idea.
- HOME: Cave into the mountain
- HOME LOCATION: On high altitude, almost 1200m high up on the mountain. Behind the waterfalls and close to the lake.
- FAMILY: The father was Healer, gentle and affectionate. The mother was a Fighter, really strict and harsh.
- CLAN: Healer (abandoned)
- ACTIVITY: Makes healing herbs, helping people build their homes, travels as a healer with the Fighters to the war.
- PERSONALITY: Insecure and needy. In order to feel well, needs to help others. Needs to be necessary to others and basically to @ lover.
- ABILITIES: Healing, Cooking, Helping with handcrafts.
- WEAPONS: Very basic ability
- 3 ADJECTIVES: Melancholic, Affectionate, Insecure

The project was partly funded by the Greek Ministry of Culture and Athletics in 2021, under the Digital Culture Programm.
Producer: six impossible wishes
Co Producers: Glam Games Gbr, Baubo Productions
Idea, , Characters, Modeling, Animation: Giorgos Nikopoulos
Game Design: Dimosthenis Gkatzos, Giorgos Nikopoulos
Game Development: Konstantinos Klimantakis
Character & Environment Development: Nikos Kokkalis, Giorgos Nikopoulos
Με την Οικονομική Ενίσχυση και υπό την Αιγίδα / With the financial support and under the auspices